Fall Conferences are Coming Up! Please Schedule!

Jenkins Jr/Sr High School Fall conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 9th 12:15 – 7:00 pm and Wednesday, November 10th 12:15 – 3:00 pm. If you would like to schedule a conference, please access the conference scheduler through Skyward Family Access.


  • Resources
  • Parent Resources
  • Skyward Family Access
  • Use your login and password to gain access (contact Cheryl 509-685-6800 ext. 2009 for login/password reminder)
  • Conferences
  • Click “All Conferences”
  • Click on the "Select a time" link for the teacher you would like to schedule a conference with
  • Select and save a time slot

7th and 8th grade parent/guardians are required to schedule a conference with their student’s homeroom (first period) teacher.  

 9th through 12th grade parent/guardians are required to conference with their student's PRIDE teacher.    If parents are wanting to speak with other teachers, please let your student's PRIDE teacher know and we will accommodate as needed.